Project Description
The eternal question was and still is: what are the best practical strategies to maximize the successful inductions of Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, Out-Of-Body Experiences, The Phase or as Yuri likes to call it – The Shift.
EITHER you wake up in the morning and wonder: “What should I do during the day to help my practice during the day time?”
OR you go to bed in the evening and wonder: “So what exactly am I going to do in the middle of the night to have these amazing experiences?”
First when I started the practice, I quickly realized after following my dream journal that my dream life was filled so much with my daily usual content that the idea of dreaming with lucidity simply has never made its way through. This was a moment where I started considering myself a dreamer. Practices such as writing positive affirmations (I am a dreamer, a lucid one), repeating 10 or more reality checks during the day, spending all day with a constant effort of questioning reality or keeping a more or less ever present mindful presence especially during the daily tasks like putting my shoes on or washing the dishes. All of that was later understood and summarized into the practice of a focuses intent and the practices are just a way to express it. It does not matter how it is done in my opinion. You will quickly realize if you are a beginner that performing 10 reality checks or trying to be mindful or implementing daily meditations won’t give you results for weeks or even months and if they do – you will average 1 experience per month. Do not be alarmed, even some inexperienced teachers live secretly with 1 lucid dream / OBE per month and decide to be fit to teach you! We will definitely do better than this!
All the practices mentioned above have their meaning in the overall practice, but I would say they are more of a bridge to the state we try to achieve rather than a key to the door. In this metaphor, you can easily understand that not all bridges cross the right river and you when you begin you do not know how to make it clearly messaged to your subconscious or higher self or your inner know-er: “that you want to lucid dream or shift yourself to alternate realities such as OBE” and hence the low ratio between your success and the effort provided. But keep doing it as it will take another dimension when you start to be a little more experienced. It will become your way of life and your way to behave in different life’s situations: with your INTENT. Here is an exercise at 3 m 14 s for you to practice your intent in the dreaming state. Intent is the driving force for that you will experience in Lucid Dreams and Astral Projections. Please see your daily life as your training ground for the out-of-body experiences.
What we can do even better during the day is to actually practice what we are going to do at night. Because you know when you put yourself in the position of awakening from the dream state or you linger into the borderline of asleep and awaken you will need all your focus on the practice – in this case the execution of the adequate approach coupled with your favorite techniques. Learn here the difference between what is an approach and what is a technique (4m15) if you are still not clear about what is what.
When I say practice at night, let’s not forget the afternoon naps as a moment of practice too. But the strategies that we will deal with for the night are the same as for the naps since both involve a period of actual sleep before or after the point where you apply a given technique!
So besides all the regular practices that work on the intent and the prospective memory, please focus on the actual training of your techniques: go through them 5 to 10 times prior to their actual execution during a nap or in the middle of the night. You might even surprise yourself during some such training with the actual shifts.
This is an approach on its own!
Practicing upon the first moments of an awakening is the easiest for the beginners since you will be in the right state already and all you will have to do is to detect with a proper technique where you are: awaken or asleep. For example, you could try to levitate and if an actual levitation occurs, it means that you are in the dream state. You can also try to push your hand through the mattress (one of my favorites), and if your hand go through it means that you are in a dream state and have already shifted.
This strategy of practice upon awakenings will suit any given awakening at night or during an afternoon nap or an accidental falling asleep during your meditation or while watching TV. Why not? Now you must be telling yourself: “If only I knew I could do this?” All you will have to do is to “capture” the fact that you have just woken up and execute a detection technique of your choice!
This kind of practice will suit the guys who have regular afternoon naps, guys who are beginners and should not venture into the direct approach also called WILD, guys who do not have the privilege to wake up in the middle of the night to break the sleeping cycles with a WBTB *Wake Back To Bed” technique.
ADVANTAGE: suitable for beginners, fast results, easy, multiple attempts per day 3 to 5 or more.
DISADVANTAGE: may experience the difficulty to “capture” an awakening and actually do something immediately. It is not easy to come out from the old habit of re-falling asleep upon an awakenings. We are so used to wake up, scratch the head turn around and re-fall back asleep. The work on your intention is important in this case! Maybe watch this video above again and again right before sleep to motivate you and to re-affirm your intent for the night to practice upon awakenings is a good decision? My advice is: yes it is one way of doing it!
Learn the full spectrum what can be done upon awakenings with Yuri Zaritski to get fast results thanks to the well established learning system HERE.
This is an approach on its own as well!
Also know in the circles of Lucid Dreaming & Astral Projection as WILD technique (Wake Induced Lucid Dream). It is also called as Direct Approach by M. Raduga. The word technique is not appropriate though it is often used as such. It is rather an approach from waking state to sleeping state with the effort to keep the awareness / lucidity and let it sink in with you into the dreamland. We will consider an approach to be a direct if there was no prior sleep involved right before the application of the effort to induce the state. I would personally say that after 1-2 min after an awakening, we would consider any effort to be part of the Direct or WILD approach upon falling asleep.
One, two or three technique of your choice can be executed while falling asleep. The techniques in this case serve as:
Awareness / lucidity anchor
Sleep inducer
ADVANTAGE: greater control over the outcome of the effort = positive induction. Suitable for individuals with difficulties to notice their awakenings.
DISADVANTAGE: not suitable for beginners (below 20-30 successful inductions), can result in a lack of sleep or insomnia, requires more skills than the approach UA (upon awakenings / indirect).
Learn the full spectrum of what can be done with Yuri Zaritski to get fast results thanks to the well established learning system HERE.
WBTB with UA
This is the optimum combination used for beginners to yield the quickest results ratio: number of success / number of attempts.
WBTB consists in:
1. Sleeping a certain amount of hours to eliminate the first cycles of sleep that are marked by deeper sleep and shorter REM periods.
2. Waking up with an alarm. Leaving the bed: important.
3. Entertain some level of activity to spike up the regular type of lucidity.
4. Return to the bed and fall asleep with a WILD/Direct or like we need in here: with intention to practice upon natural awakenings.
INTERESTING FACT: executing WBTB alone without anything else increases the chances for the spontaneous lucidity. Many professional who work on a shift report to be natural lucid dreamers due to them executing an obliged WBTB by their professional needs such as military personal or doctors.
After falling asleep with the intent to practice the practitioner will execute induction techniques or algorithms upon each subsequent natural awakening.
ADVANTAGE: the right state is already achieved and only needs to be realized, easiest approach, no sleep disturbance, very suitable for beginners.
DISVANTAGE: difficulty to “capture” the awakenings and actually do something due to the difficulty to break the old habits of sleeping behavior.
This is how usually practitioners execute the DIRECT approach or WILD, they usually couple it with WBTB.
In this case the practitioner makes an effort to induce the right state of being lucid / aware in a dream state or in a projection of the astral body – it does not matter how you want to call it. Technically the efforts will be the same. Watch 3 tutorials here that deal with the direct / WILD approach: TUTORIAL I TUTORIAL II TUTORIAL III
ADVANTAGE: more control over the results, can be pleasurable by the journey of witnessing the transitions and their side effects such as vibrations.
DISVANTAGE: lower success rates, requires more skills, time consuming when done wrongly (> 20 min).
UA followed by UFA
This is something new in terms of being voiced out clearly but it is definitely not new in terms of practice. So, I thought it is worth to clearly be mentioned and kept in mind as an option for the induction strategies.
CAUTION: In general, as you maybe could understand above, the direct UFA also called wild is not advised for beginners so in this case as well, I would not advice a beginner to practice this before a 100 successfully induced shifts into lucid dreams or out-of-body experiences.
UA approach consists, in average, in one minute effort to achieve a successful induction and fall asleep in case of a failure to induce for the hope to catch the next awakening and efficiently re-fall asleep. So this is the golden rule applied to the beginners as they might try for too long without success and actually induce insomnia which is one the primary enemies for the lovers of the dreaming states.
But let’s give it a try to break that rule and give ourselves a 5 minutes, definitely less than 10 minutes to apply the direct UFA approach. I say 5 min, as I do not want you to dillute your effort into an hour and for some extremists 2-3 hours of an effort to play with the WILD / UFA approach. Even though it has its own pleasure of being still and observe what happens during the transitions and linger in the borderline between asleep and awaken, in terms of efficiency it is definitely not what I would advise you when I look back at my own practice. The reason for this is that it is an absolute waste of time and waste of time of precious sleep. The efficiency of direct UFAs / WILDs is simply not worth the effort. And what kind of effort? If it is a question of a lengthy relaxation with some fishy mantra and annoying beats buzzing your head for 2-3 hours, coupled with some luminous machines bombarding your eye lids with aggressive lights than I would definitely advise you to look honestly into the efficiency of you on your own during a 5 min effort where you really focus on what you do as compared with the lengthy tiring procedures. Do not take my word as the truth, just be honest with yourself and try both and then compare the results by recording them well in your dream journal!
What I would like you to do is to give a good look at your focus and your capacity to let your body fall asleep quickly while you do not deviate from the technique of your choice! For example one technique that has become one of my favorite now is applying a mental pressure on the palm of my hand to try and put it through the mattress without using the muscles. When the hand goes through the mattress – the induction is successful, I stand up, perform a reality check (you know, just to be sure) and proceed to my the POA (Plan Of Action).
ADVANTAGE: more control over the results, gives an upper hand for the experienced practitioners with more results.
DISVANTAGE: requires more skills (focus, quick falling asleep), time consuming and can induce insomnia when done wrongly (> 10 min for the subsequent UFAs).
There many more practices that exist and some of them are even a little extreme such as sleep deprivation or getting thirsty or over hydrating etc. It is possible to work with different sleeping schedules and sleeping patters. There is also the subject of food favorable to the practice and lucid supplements or working with induction devices such as REM dreamer. There is more and it is a good thing.
We have focused here only on the practices that are natural and do not disturb your sleep which is an important factor to consider in the long term relationship between you and your love for THE SHIFT to the lucid dream, astral projection or out-of-body experiences. This is already a lot to practice and to consider in your own strategies.
We will work on new ways and new strategies in 2020 so stay tuned with Lucidity 4 ALL.
Yuri Zaritski
26th December 2019
Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia
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002 WAY OF LIFE of a Lucid Dreamer Astral Projector OOBE explorer at its bestYouri Zaritski2020-07-07T05:29:00+00:00
002 WAY OF LIFE of a Lucid Dreamer Astral Projector OOBE explorer at its bestYouri Zaritski2020-07-07T05:29:00+00:00
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