Project Description
It is very disappointing to see some YouTubers who have managed thanks to some hacking techniques to become very popular in the English community of Lucid Dreamers and explorers of OOBE / Astral Projection. They have quickly gained enormous amount of subscribers by using hacking techniques and hence will be appearing first in the search or in the proposed videos by YouTube. That / these individuals are young and lacking experience at the base of the knowledge, He/she/they propagate wrong and confusing information on the subject which ultimately is resulting in harming the passionate individuals who come to learn for the first time about such a wonderful tool and experience that Lucid Dreaming is. Just because they thought of hacking it and made it, I hope they realize how important this field is and how small the community is as compared to the rest of the world. Either they start really learning what the preach or quite all together by the virtue of stopping harming the young apprentices. I do not know what else to say…. Enjoy the video – it will give you a precise difference between what a technique or an approach is so that you can be your own “Guru”.
Enjoy the video and happy dreaming!
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004 Amazing Aspects of Reality Checks to have 2 to 5 Lucid Dreams VS Just OneYouri Zaritski2020-07-07T05:29:33+00:00
002 WAY OF LIFE of a Lucid Dreamer Astral Projector OOBE explorer at its bestYouri Zaritski2020-07-07T05:29:00+00:00
002 WAY OF LIFE of a Lucid Dreamer Astral Projector OOBE explorer at its bestYouri Zaritski2020-07-07T05:29:00+00:00
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